26th Annual Performance Racing Industry Show, Indianapolis, IN, / December 2014
Wind Tunnel LIVE with Dave Despain
Next up was Dave Despain and his guests Don Prudhomme and Tom McEwen.

Not only was this awesome from a racing-fan perspective, but also from a business standpoint. Remember, when McEwen came up with the Mattel Hot Wheels idea, it had never been done before. It was his dogged determination that helped land that deal which then propelled these two racers into the American mainstream. Think about that for a minute, what these two drag racers accomplished as businessmen.

You can tell these guys love each other; they are family. And they had Despain cracking up, too!
I was fortunate enough to snap Don and Tom before the crowds got to them, which they did.

Decades later and they're still rock stars. Good for you, guys!

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